Commands, Terminology & standard actions

  1. Come forward Reach forward with oar handle
  2. Ready Place edge of blade on surface of water
  3. Row Push with legs to commence rowing
  4. Easy oars Stop rowing raising blade clear of water
  5. Hold water Place blade below surface & hold to act as a break
  6. Bow Leading face of boat (direction of travel)
  7. Stern Rear of boat (where cox sits)
  8. Stroke Rowing position No 4 seated in front of cox
  9. Rowlocks/Gates/Pins Device for connecting the oar to boat
  10. Rudder Means of steering
  11. Bow line Painter (rope) for securing boat to pontoon
  12. Stern line Painter (rope) for securing boat to pontoon
  13. Paddles Used for manoeuvring boat off & onto pontoon
  14. Fenders Placed outside of boat to protect against contact with pontoon
  15. Stretchers Sited on deck, used to push against (with feet) when rowing
  16. Cast off Instruction to release painters from pontoon

Steeping into & out of the boat; Check it is safe to do so, clearly announce `stepping in/out` alerting rowers. Step directly onto deck avoiding standing on the seats, request assistance from fellow rowers to provide balance if necessary.

Changing positions in boat; Cox to pass floatation device to stroke, once stroke has put on the device the cox & stroke can switch places. Incoming cox takes control of boat and instructs the position change to commence one person at a time.

Setting oars; Start with oar 1, place handle on deck using instep of your foot as a pivot & raise the oar to vertical, repeat for oars 2,3 & 4. Lower the oars into the rowlock, pins or gate, secure the gate.

Bringing in oars JR; Start with oar No 1, place the handle on deck & using instep of foot, raise the oar to vertical, lower oar over left shoulder and place oar to horizontal in boat, repeat for oars 2,3 & 4.

Bringing in oars Egret;, Check gate lock is firmly tightened, raise blade clear of water and draw oar across boat resting the handle on opposite side of boat in a horizontal position. With both hands placed underneath oar, shoulder width apart, firmly raise the oar lifting the gate clear of boat, place handle on deck using instep of foot to pivot oar to vertical, lower oar over left shoulder and place in boat at the horizontal.

Pushing off; Lead rower to instruct cox & crew the push off process to be used, this may vary based on boats location on pontoon, wind conditions and abilities of crew. Paddles to be used to manoeuvre boat clear of pontoon to `safe water` where oars can be set.

Coming alongside; Lead rower to instruct cox & crew of selected process, this may vary based on pontoon to be used, wind conditions & abilities of crew. Hold water to brief crew and deploy fenders, bring in oars 1 & 2. Rower 1 to make ready bow painter. Ensure paddles are placed with rowers 2 & 3. Continue row toward selected landing point, allowing for weather conditions & momentum, position boat, go easy, bring in oars 3 & 4. Using paddles, rowers 2 & 3 stand and face direction of travel, paddling together coming alongside at `dead slow` pace. Rower 1 to exit boat with painter, once boat is stationary rower 3 to exit boat and receive stern painter, boat secured safely alongside.